About the maps

We have many maps on Valorant, our list begins with Bind: A map based in a desert place, with two sites to deffend or attack. We can see two portals on both sites. In this map don't have a middle site, only two roads.
Bind map preview

Next map is Ascent: a map with a big mid, based on a floating italian city.

Ascent map preview

Also we can find Split, but only on modes like Spike rush, escalation and replication, modes that we will talk about later.

Split map preview

Next map is Haven, the only map which three sites: A, B and C.

Haven map preview

Also we can find a cold map, in this case we talk about Icebox.

Icebox map preview

On the next place we have Fracture, has a name said well, a map with a giant fracture on the middle, separating two places. One with a great vegetation and other desertic place, this fracture result because of a trouble with a teleport, based on the lore of the game.

Fracture map preview

The next map is more paradisiac, great temps, beaches and the noise of the sea involve the environment: Breeze.

Breeze map preview

And the last map is Pearl, a map based in a future city under the ocean because natural disasters. Inspired on Lisboa.

In all the maps we find "easter eggs", I will not reveal them to encourage the reader to find them by himself using the custom mode.

(Source: https://playvalorant.com/es-es/maps/)
